New Earswick Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting
17 April 2023
Business Commenced at 19.10 hours

Attending Councillors:  Sue Glenton (Chairman)                                (SG)
                                         Christine Cooke                                             (CC)
                                         Christine Durrant                                            (CD)
                                         Roy Love                                                        (RL)
                                         Yvonne Orton                                                 (YO)
                                         Audrey Steel                                                   (AS)
Apologies:                      Carol Runciman                                              (CR)           

Visitor:                             One Resident
Clerk/Minute Taker:       Sally Bruckshaw                                               (SB)

23.03.01      Notices of the Meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving   

The notices of the meeting had been posted on the Parish notice board, web site and COYC web site.  The reason for absence was approved.

23.04.02      To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda


23.04.03      To Receive Reports on Police Matters

The local PCSO was unable to attend the meeting.

A  Monthly Report for March, 2023 – Members would query with the PCSO one item on the report.

B  Feedback from Police Drop In Session Held on 11 April, 2023 – CD, two Police and a representative from JRHT had attended.  The change of time had encouraged a local resident to attend.  SB to query about signage on the sleeper path to enable action relating to mopeds using the path.

C  UK Government - Emergency alerts system – This had been widely publicised.

Circulars from the Police and Crime Commissioner were highlighted.  SG had contacted the Police to commend the recent actions of the local PCSO.


23.04.04       Update on Parish Elections 2023 and Confirmation of Resignation
                    of Councillors

The statement of nominations for the Parish of New Earswick had been received, confirming seven nominations.  Three Members had decided not to stand for election.  SB to write and express appreciation for their support.  Co-options for the three Ordinary Vacancies would take place in due course.

23.04.05       To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 March, 2023

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

23.04.06       To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous

A  Availability of Citizens Advice Sessions in New Earswick – Following confirmation that a number of outreach sessions were being held, including at Huntington, it was decided not to take any further action.

B  Further information relating to topics raised with JRHT – Follow up to the issues relating to problems with damp in residential properties had been received (29.3.23).
C  Celebration of the Coronation – 6 May, 2023 – New Lodge had confirmed that the event initially planned, would not proceed as originally outlined.  CC had contacted the library again regarding the proposed sensory garden and it was unlikely to go ahead quickly.  After discussion it was agreed that a plaque be sited in a suitable area of woodland and a seat be purchased to commemorate both Queen Elizabeth II and the Coronation of King Charles III.  Further details and costings to be obtained for approval.

RESOLVED That the Royal events be commemorated with a plaque and seat to be sited in suitable locations.

D  Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission - Feedback from webinar
attendance by RL.  In addition the notes had been circulated to all Members.

23.04.07       To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other
                     Than That Circulated for Information

16.3.23 -  YLCA - Background to Resolutions for Debate by Member Councils – Noted.

28.3.23 - Community First Yorkshire – An update on the new single North Yorkshire Council had been received.


23.04.08       Planning Matters

A  23/00592/TCA - 27 Hawthorn Terrace Central, New Earswick YO32 4BL
Crown Reduce Group of Trees - Leylandii, Yew, Holly, Elder, Laurel and Sycamore) by 30 to 40% - Tree works in a Conservation Area.

Members had no objection.  Response B.

B  NALC - A Guide to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Parish
Councils – Details on how this would operate in future had been received.

23.04.09       Notification by JRHT - Proposed Plans for Building New
                     Affordable Homes on Hawthorn Terrace South, Currently   
                     Occupied by Garages

SG and CC had attended an information session that was held for residents.  The Parish Council would be consulted for a formal response from COYC once a planning application had been submitted.

23.04.10     Confirmation of the Decisions Relating to the Revised Salary of the
                   Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Following the March meeting, SB notified Members of the situation relating to working from home allowances.  The decision to backdate the agreed salary increase to 1.4.22 was confirmed.

23.04.11     Annual Membership Renewal - Yorkshire Local Councils

RESOLVED That membership of the YLCA be renewed for the following year.

23.04.12     Annual Internal Audit - Notification of Change of Date

Due to personal circumstances the date of the audit had been changed to 28.4.23.

23.04.13    To Approve the Payments Listed Below

A  Autela Payroll Services Ltd                               69.31 (20.3.23)
B  JRF (Section 137 Grant)                               1000.00 (30.3.23)
C  JRF (Room Hire)                                              57.00
D  JRF (Room Hire)                                              10.00
23.04.14     Items for the Next Agenda

The next meeting, would be the Annual Meeting of the Council.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.00 hours.

Signed ___________________________ Chairman, 15 May, 2023